Eva N Christianty, S.H., M.H., CPL., C.Med.
Managing Partner

- 12 years of experience
- 93% winning cases
- +6281275568883
- office@evarahman.com
Selain itu bidang praktiknya sebagai advokat adalah dalam perkara Litigasi umum, Pidana dan Perdata, Agraria, Tata Negara & Tata Usaha Negara, Perusahaan, Investasi, Pertambangan dan Energi, Ketenagakerjaan, Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran utang (PKPU) dan Kepailitan dan perkara-perkara terkait di Kementerian Negara, Kepolisian Republik indonesia, Pegawai Pemerintahan, Politik dan perkara-perkara lainnya yang bersifat “RAHASIA” yang tidak dapat Ia cantumkan.
Brief Biography
Eva Christianty is an exceptional female lawyer who has built her career as an advocate for over 14 years. As a legal professional, she is known for her optimistic approach to handling every case, regardless of its complexity. Her commitment to providing the best legal solutions is rooted in her strong belief that every problem has a solution. Eva tirelessly works to ensure that her clients receive the justice they deserve. What sets Eva Christianty apart is her deep respect for her clients' time and the issues they face. She understands that legal matters often cause stress and anxiety, and therefore, Eva always prioritizes clear communication, effective strategies, and swift action to protect her clients' interests. Her ability to balance empathy with professionalism has made her a trusted figure in the legal community and among countless clients. With extensive expertise ranging from corporate law, litigation, and mediation to other legal fields, Eva Christianty is driven by her determination to consistently achieve excellence and her unwavering dedication to the legal profession—whether advocating in the courtroom or offering strategic counsel in complex legal negotiations. Eva Christianty's mission is to build lasting relationships with both clients and partners in legal service, serving wholeheartedly and enhancing the quality of legal understanding that is just and fair. Eva Christianty is not just a lawyer; she is a partner in her clients' success. Her passion for the law and her steadfast resolve in resolving issues make her an irreplaceable force in the legal field for those she represents.
Practice Areas
- Korporasi Umum
- Penyelesaian Sengketa dan Litigasi
- Tindak Pidana Korupsi
- Hukum Tata Negara dan Administrasi
- Legal Audit dan Due Diligince
- Agraria
- Arbitrase
- Investasi
- Industrial
- Penangguhan Pembayaran Kewajiban Hutang (KPPU) & Kepailitan

Kompetensi yang sudah terbukti
Ia juga sering menjadi pembicara/ narasumber diberbagai acara dan seminar hukum. Ia telah berpengalaman dalam menangani perkara perkara hukum dan melakukan upaya mediasi untuk penyelesaian sengketa alternative dan mediator Non Hakim, Ia memiliki Sertifikat Mendiator Non Hakim yang telah di Uji dan terdaftar pada Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi ( BNSP) Indonesia.
Mendapatkan Gelar Sarjana Hukum
Mendapatkan Gelar Magister Hukum
Senior Partners pada law Office Jahmada Girsang & Partners