Pandris Subagyo, S.H
- 12 years of experience
- 93% winning cases
- +6281275568883
Brief Biography
Pandris Subagyo, S.H. is a partner at ERP Law Firm. In 2007, he graduated with a law degree from a university in Jakarta. He began his career in the investigative field within the Indonesian National Police, serving for approximately 30 years, and also taught at the Indonesian National Police Educational Institute. Upon retiring, he sought to share the legal knowledge he had cultivated over the years in the realm of litigation and judiciary practice. Throughout his career as an Advocate, he has handled numerous cases, both civil and criminal, and has gained extensive experience in managing general criminal cases in court as well as other criminal matters. In addition, he has considerable expertise in handling land disputes. He holds a license from the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI).
Practice Areas
- Korporasi Umum
- Penyelesaian Sengketa dan Litigasi
- Tindak Pidana Korupsi
- Hukum Tata Negara dan Administrasi
- Legal Audit dan Due Diligince
- Agraria
- Arbitrase
- Investasi
- Industrial
- Penangguhan Pembayaran Kewajiban Hutang (KPPU) & Kepailitan